Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wishing Everyone A Very Blessed Christmas & A New Year Full of Blessings

Hi, Everyone!
I haven’t been on here for some time and probably won’t be much for some time, but I wanted to wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Victorious New Year!
I’ve been helping my sisters care for our elderly parents and dealing with some physical problems of my own. Dad is doing a lot better now from his stroke; he is getting around in the house, but still needs someone there. Mom is the same; she walks with a walker and can not care for herself without help; mainly she can’t remember things, but other wise is doing well. Dad is 89 and Mom is 88;l for their age, both are doing real well. We are very fortunate to still have our parents and I want to spend as much time as possible with them now, so other things will just have to wait! Thank you all so much for the prayers!
I am able to continue my work with the Faith-Hope-Charity Educational Consultant Group and work on writing the camp curriculum. Before we can get any funds to start the camp or get any licenses, etc. I have to have total year (year around) curriculum written for pre school through 12th grade that matches the national & state standards. We are also still working on getting more land for the camp. Things are coming together but just very slowly. It is in Our Heavenly Father’s Hands – His Timing, not ours.
My prayers are with the Muskegon Heights Schools.
May God Richly Bless Each of you,
My baby turned 21 Dec. 7th. Sarah is working & going to college. My husband turned 77 on Dec. 9th. My computer is acting up, I hope I can get this to post.